Digital transition, biodiversity, professional training: the fields opening up to accreditation are continuously expanding as our society develops. The development of new accreditation schemes is one of our main priorities in order to meet the demands and needs of the market.

Issuing from a wide variety of sources, these demands may be imposed by regulations or private standards, but may also emanate from conformity assessment bodies seeking recognition of official competence in a voluntary context.

Through its mission as a service of general interest, Cofrac plays a vital role in supporting innovation, public policies, and the economy in general. We make every effort to define, in liaison with the applicant, the most appropriate accreditation scheme with regard to the expressed need and the international standards in force.

In order to meet your demands more efficiently, we have put in place a dedicated organisation for developing new accreditation schemes. In this division you will find information about who to contact, the stages of development and some examples of completed development projects.