Quality, hygiene, safety, environment, energy, digital: management systems are present in so many sectors of the economy.
Certification of such systems by a third party is a means of getting their conformity with international standards recognised, and in this way certifying that the organisation in place meets precise requirements.
Use of accredited certification allows a customer to obtain assurance that the Conformity Assessment Body (CAB) whose services it is using is competent and impartial. It is a token of confidence in the quality of the service delivered.
In certain sectors of activity, benefiting from accredited certification can prove decisive for capturing new markets.
Our fields of application
Management systems
Management systems
NF EN ISO/IEC 17021-1
Quality, hygiene, safety, environment, energy, digital: management systems are present in so many sectors of the economy.
Certification of such systems by a third party is a means of getting their conformity with international standards recognised, and in this way certifying that the organisation in place meets precise requirements.
Use of accredited certification allows a customer to obtain assurance that the Conformity Assessment Body (CAB) whose services it is using is competent and impartial. It is a token of confidence in the quality of the service delivered.
In certain sectors of activity, benefiting from accredited certification can prove decisive for capturing new markets.