Why join Cofrac ?

Pursuant to the Decree of 19 December 2008 in application of article 137 of Act No. 2008-776 of 4 October 2008 on the modernisation of the economy, Cofrac is officially recognised by the public authorities as the sole national accreditation body.

Whether you are :

  • an accredited body,
  • a grouping of accredited bodies,
  • a federation representing a major economic sector,
  • a professional grouping,
  • a consumer, user or environmental protection association,
  • a structure representing buyers,
  • a major contracting client,
  • an administration,


Become a key player and no longer just a spectator in the world of French accreditation, by joining Cofrac :

  • either as an active member, which is reserved for legal entities who are interested in being involved directly or indirectly in its purpose and helping to develop its activities;
  • or as an associate member, for any legal entity or natural person.

Joining the Cofrac Association is an independent procedure, different from the accreditation procedure. Whatever your sector or type of activity, by joining our ranks you will realise that accreditation finds its justification in improving the quality of the services that it covers, in helping to establish confidence, and in the international recognition that it offers.


Joining Cofrac as an active member means seeking to help develop Cofrac's actions by joining one of our three colleges, which in turn signifies:

  1. eligibility for the functions of a member of our bodies (Board of Administrators, Division Committees);
  2. the possibility of obtaining wider coverage for your ideas at the General Assembly Meetings in which you may participate;
  3. priority distribution of our information and promotional documents (institutional brochure, newsletters, etc.);
  4. access to conferences organised at the trade fairs in which Cofrac participates;
  5. being part of an influential network involved at European and worldwide level;
  6. being regularly informed of accreditation developments and news;
  7. contributing to the development of accreditation in France and worldwide.

Joining Cofrac as an associate member means you will be the first to be informed of developments and the latest news in French accreditation. You will personally receive our different publications and will be invited to take part in the debates at the Cofrac AGM.

If you would like to join Cofrac, please fill in the subscription form and send it back to us.

If you have any questions, you can also contact Isabelle Hanni by email or by phone on (+33)(0)1 44 68 87 63.